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This one-day course provides participants with advanced concepts for on-the-job training in a 9-1-1 center incorporating proven adult training techniques. The instruction will cover the knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively train and evaluate new public safety communications center employees in the performance of their duties, in an on-the-job setting. This interactive workshop provides certified training officers with new approaches to delivering information that result in quicker and more effective learning. More
Starts Starts: 2/20/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: Closed
Closed Enrollment
This one-day course is designed to increase awareness of the issue of human trafficking and its effects on the local community through the exposure of information including: victim identification, investigation, rescue and prosecution considerations, and service provider availability. Participants will discuss development of a coordinated community response and the inter-connectivity of state, federal and global human trafficking concerns. More
Starts Starts: 2/21/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 20 open seats left
This three-day course certifies the telecommunicator as an Emergency Medical Dispatcher through Priority Dispatch. This training will help participants master the protocols for taking and processing emergency medical calls from the public and dispatching appropriate resources. Participants will learn how to handle difficult callers, identify the correct chief complaint, assign needed resources, effectively communicate between responders and callers, and provide lifesaving support. This is hands-on training with real life examples and exciting audiovisual tools. Students must hold current CPR certification. More
Starts Starts: 2/24/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Sessions: 3
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: Closed
Closed Enrollment
This two-day interactive workshop will introduce participants to the psychology and biology that induces both protection on the job but can also lead to burnout. Participants will learn to assess burnout and mental health, apply techniques to address burnout states, and design a proactive action plan for the future. More
Starts Starts: 2/27/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Sessions: 2
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 1 open seat left
This highly interactive three-day course for new and current supervisors who want to grow their skills as a leader in their organization. Participants will learn to handle key challenges when supervising colleagues in the communications center. Learning objectives include handling those who display inappropriate attitudes and do not follow procedures; curbing absenteeism and tardiness; giving constructive feedback and motivating employees so they are positive, engaged and productive. More
Starts Starts: 3/3/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Sessions: 3
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 9 open seats left
This four-hour Pro QA tutorial class is designed for agencies that use Pro QA software. It is for new EMDs who have not used Pro QA and EMDs who would like more practice. More
Starts Starts: 3/6/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 4 wait spaces available
This meeting is for telecommunicators who have completed the EMD Q certification requirements and are currently serving as an EMD quality assurance representative for their agency. Meeting participants will review calls and discuss ways to enhance the process for quality assurance. More
Starts Starts: 3/6/2025 1:00 PM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 4 open seats left
This four-hour course will provide telecommunicators with the background knowledge and skills necessary to properly handle calls from suicidal callers. The participants will examine common myths about suicidal individuals and will be provided with specific techniques to potentially diffuse the volatile situation for both the caller and responding personnel. More
Starts Starts: 3/7/2025 1:00 PM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 14 open seats left
This four-hour course will provide an overview of the various Texas programs for dissemination of qualifying missing person advisories. The State Operations Center (SOC) coordinates the dissemination of advisories through the State Network. These alerts are commonly known as the AMBER, Silver, Blue & Endangered Missing Persons Alert Programs. The goal of the State Network is to rapidly notify the public of specific missing person cases, promoting tips and leads to law enforcement. Any law enforcement agency can make a request to activate the State Network. Each alert program contains criteria designed to ensure network integrity and prevent public desensitization and advisories can be issued within any Texas geographical area, including statewide. More
Starts Starts: 3/7/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 18 open seats left
This one-day course examines the Active Shooter, an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. Students will examine active shooters and various incidents and will cover appropriate telecommunicator actions including questioning techniques, identification of call types that may lead to an active shooter incident and immediate deployment of law enforcement to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to victims. More
Starts Starts: 3/10/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 19 open seats left
This four-hour course will provide background knowledge and skills necessary to properly handle incidents involving various hazardous materials (HazMat). Participants will learn to properly classify hazardous materials based on information received from callers. Topics include obtaining information from marking systems, available local and national resources, and various response implications. More
Starts Starts: 3/11/2025 8:00 AM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 17 open seats left
This four-hour course provides an overview of mass casualty incidents (MCI) for the 9-1-1 center. MCIs can quickly overwhelm resources creating significant challenges for the telecommunicator. Scenarios such as aircraft incidents, flooding, tornadoes, mass shootings, highway and lake incidents will be used as case studies to examine what went right and important lessons learned. More
Starts Starts: 3/11/2025 1:00 PM
Sessions Session: 1
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 14 open seats left
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